Planning your new garden

Summer is a good time to plan your garden. You may have a blank canvas to work with or just need a little rejuvenation of your existing garden. Either way a good plan is the perfect way to start so you have time to set up your space for Autumn planting. Autumn is the time when your soil has some warmth and waiting until you’ve had some good soaking rain is an ideal time to get your plants into the ground.
As the seasons are warming up we all need to think about plants that will survive the extreme temperatures whilst keeping our water use to a minimum. Lawns can be labour intensive and very thirsty. A garden with no lawn or less lawn would save us money, time and water.
A native garden would do the same.
Plants that attract birds, butterflies and bees creates a little ecosystem in your garden space. Provide a water dish for them and see what happens!
Mallee Gums are great small trees with their incredible flowers, foliage and trunks. Understorey plantings such as Banksia, Leptospernum, Dodonea, Bottlebrush and many more will bring in wrens, honeyeaters wattlebirds the list goes on. Add to that groundcovers such as running postman, grasses like lomandra, carex and then there are the paper daisies again the list goes on.
If you can bulk buy quantities of native plants at very affordable prices your garden will save you money to set up and continue to save money and time while you watch it evolve.
As a group of dedicated volunteers we are happy to offer advice on your project. We are open Tuesday mornings as we are currently pricking out our seedlings. We grow all our plants from seed so they are already adapted to this local environment.
We open for sales Tuesday morning just prior to Easter, we will open Saturday morning a little later in the year.
Goulburn Valley Tree Group Native Nursery
6 Kerferd Street, Tatura
0400 059 76