P12 Mini Market another great success… YEP it was!
What a great community we live in!

Staff and students were thrilled with the recent support from the community regarding their Mini Market on Wednesday 7 September.
The Year 4/5/6 students and Year 9/10 YEP students had worked tirelessly since the last market to bring their customers some new, improved experiences.
The barista’s were busy honing their skills, the pizza boys did a mammoth job not only cooking pizza’s for those who attended the Market, but for the majority of students who had ordered one or more for lunch that day! The ‘craft’ teams had been busy making ‘things’. Who would have guessed those ‘cookies in a jar’ would be such a HOT item?
This group of willing workers raised over $700, the best one ever!
They say there is no rest for the wicked and these groups of students (who are a long way from wicked), have already begun planning for the two final events of 2016.
The students are excited to be joining in the festivities of the Rushworth Spring Garden Festival Fair on Saturday 29 October - 10am until 2pm. They will have a stall promoting the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden as well as a range of ‘garden inspired’ goods for sale!
They will also hold another Mini Market at the College in November, with a Christmas theme, the date of which will be established early next term.
Thank you again to everyone who supported this event. The students hope to see you all again at their next two events.